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Quality Auto Glass Replacement in Edmonton & Leduc

Our Auto Glass Solutions understands the Alberta environment can be tough on your Auto Glass. Operating your vehicle with a damaged or cracked Windshield is extremely dangerous. Auto Glass Solutions offers Windshield replacement services in Edmonton and Leduc to help you be as safe as possible behind the wheel. Since 1987, we’ve provided comprehensive glass repair services to the area. You can trust us with your broken or shattered Auto Glass. We work on almost any type of vehicle, including school buses, RVs, and farm equipment. No matter the size of your vehicle, you’re in the best possible hands with our experienced team. Contact us today to get started.

Technician replacing a car's rear window in Edmonton & Leduc

Auto Glass Replacement Services

While Windshields are the most common type of replacement, we also see several other types of auto glass damage. Our products and services include:

Why You Should Replace Your Windshield?

Your Windshield is the barrier between you and the elements of the road. A Windshield replacement is often the best solutions to protect you from debris and flying projectiles. We will examine your Windshield to determine if a Windshield repair is possible. The most common reasons we perform a complete Windshield replacement include:

  • Windshield chips larger than two inches
  • Chips that have grown into cracks
  • Large cracks
  • Damage extends into the Windshield edge
  • Chip or crack impacts driver’s view
  • Star break that extends three inches in diameter
  • Multiple cracks

Windshield Replacement Process

The Windshield replacement process only takes a few hours to complete. The steps include:

  • Remove Windshield trim
  • Remove damaged Windshield
  • Apply new urethane adhesive
  • Install the new Windshield
  • Let the urethane dry

How Much Does a New Windshield Cost?

Auto Glass Solutions does our best to offer affordable new Windshields. Most Windshield replacements are about $200 or less. There are notable exceptions as modern technology changes the glass industry. We have the most common Windshield types in stock for most makes and models of vehicles, but the price rises for specialty orders that must be shipped to us.

Why Choose Auto Glass Solutions?

Auto Glass Solutions offers the highest quality Windshield repairs and replacements. Our decades of experience and professionalism ensure you’re satisfied with our work. We’re proud to provide the fastest rock chip repairs and many other auto glass services in Alberta. Our state-of-the-art equipment and proven techniques have helped millions of drivers safely return to the road. We’re here for all your auto glass needs, from repairing simple chips to calibrating your Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS).

Contact Auto Glass Solutions

We understand your vehicle is an essential part of your life. We’ll help you with all your auto glass needs to ensure you’re safe behind the wheel. Our team can also handle the insurance claim process by processing all the paperwork with your insurance company. We handle all types of vehicles, from sedans to fleet vehicles. We pride ourselves on stellar customer service and returning your vehicle with as-good-as-new glass. When you need a Windshield replacement, reach out to Auto Glass Solutions.

Call Us Today For a Free Quote!