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We Can Replace Your Car’s Sunroof

If your vehicle’s sunroof breaks or stops working properly, you should repair it as soon as possible. The team at Auto Glass Solutions can help. Our experts provide factory and panoramic sunroof replacement services in Edmonton, AB. A sunroof is a highly-desirable feature on any car, truck, or SUV. But it can quickly become a nuisance if something goes wrong. Worse yet, it can become dangerous. Broken glass can harm you or your passengers, so do not let a small chip or crack spread and become something worse. Our family-owned and -operated company is known throughout the region for providing exceptional workmanship and first-rate customer service. We have extensive experience repairing and replacing sunroofs. If yours no longer works as it should, or the glass is cracked, call us today to learn how we can help you.

Replacement of a car's panoramic sunroof glass in Edmonton & Leduc

Our Team Can Service All Types of Sunroofs

If you drive a small sedan, your sunroof will be very different than the one you might find on a multi-row SUV. That, too, will differ from the sunroof in a mid-size van. But Auto Glass Solutions is here to help regardless of what type of vehicle you drive. We have expertise repairing and replacing sunroofs of all varieties, such as:

  • Panoramic sunroofs – We specialize in this intricate style of the sunroof. This multi-pane sunroof requires expert services because of its size and complexity.
  • Built-in electric sunroofs – With the push of a button, your sunroof can slide down and inside the roof of your vehicle. We can replace the sunroof seal and glass if something is awry.
  • Spoiler sunroofs – These sunroofs tilt on a hinge before sliding backward on a track to open completely.
  • Top-mount sunroofs – A top-mount sunroof also uses a track to open but sits outside the car on the roof of the vehicle.
  • Pop-up sunroofs – This style of sunroof does not open completely, but it will tilt upward to allow for ventilation through your car as you drive.

Replacing Your Sunroof is Essential for Safety and Security

Your sunroof is a luxury that permits a cool breeze to circulate your car as you cruise down the road on a warm Edmonton summer day. It also allows you and your passengers to bask in the sun’s rays as you drive around town. But it can become a danger if something is broken. You must replace your sunroof before putting yourself at risk. Your safety and your car’s security depend on a properly-functioning sunroof. Call Auto Glass Solutions if you notice:

  • Cracks and chips – Similar to your windshield, your sunroof comprises tempered glass. Rocks and debris from cars and trucks in front of you can strike it and cause cracks or chips. If left unaddressed, these issues will spread and compromise the sunroof’s integrity. Rather than risk your sunroof shattering and causing harm, call our team for sunroof glass replacement right away.
  • Broken track – Many sunroofs rely on a cable system that pulls the glass along a track. If the track is damaged or obstructed, the sunroof will not open or close properly. Our team will identify the source of the issue to ensure you remain safe.
  • Sunroof leaks – Small drains along your sunroof should funnel water away from it and its track. However, over time, these features can deteriorate and cause leaks. Auto Glass Solutions provides sunroof seal replacement to keep you and your car’s interior dry.

We Are Edmonton’s Leading Glass Solutions Provider

We have been in the windshield and auto glass repair industry long enough to realize the frustration many drivers have when they need repairs. Our team recognizes that taking time out of your busy schedule to replace a sunroof is a hassle, but we aim to minimize your aggravation as best as we can. Auto Glass Solutions provides prompt service at each of our convenient locations in Edmonton and Leduc. Let us know how we can simplify your experience, and we will make every effort to do so.

Contact Auto Glass Solutions for Sunroof Glass Replacement

Your sunroof is an ideal feature when you are traveling the open road on a warm summer day. You can tilt or slide it back to let your hair blow in the wind and have the sunshine on your face and arms. But if it cracks or malfunctions, it can become hazardous to you and your passengers. In such situations, trust Auto Glass Solutions for high-quality repairs. Our expert service technicians provide sunroof glass replacement services to customers in Edmonton, AB, and throughout the surrounding area. Using our expertise, we can have your sunroof working like new again in no time. Contact us today for a free quote.

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