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Windshield Rock Chip & Crack Repairs in Edmonton, AB

Auto Glass Solutions knows how common it is for rocks or small debris to damage your Windshield. While rock chips and cracks may seem like a minor cosmetic issue, they are dangerous when you’re behind the wheel. Even the most minor flaws in your vehicle’s glass can compromise your Windshield’s structural integrity. These seemingly insignificant imperfections can quickly lead to further cracking and damage to your Windshield, offering less protection to you and your passengers. Repairing your Windshield glass after experiencing any damage is vital to your safety. At Auto Glass Solutions, we aim to save Alberta drivers the cost of a complete Windshield replacement by repairing your minor chips and cracks. We offer drive-thru rock chip repair services without an appointment. Our expert Windshield services are quick and efficient and will have you back on the road as soon as possible.

Technician fixing a rock chip on a car's windshield in Edmonton & Leduc

The Hazards of Having a Crack in Your Windshield

A simple crack or rock chip can wreak havoc on your visibility when driving. The most significant hazards of a crack in your Windshield include:

  • Impaired vision and increased blind spots due to impurities in your vehicle’s Windshield
  • Rocks and debris that hit your vehicle’s Windshield and cause further damage
  • Existing cracks that are likely to grow due to the glass contracting and expanding during temperature fluctuations
  • Further weakening the integrity of your Windshield by hitting potholes
  • A lack of structural support from your damaged Windshield could cause the roof of your vehicle to cave in a roll-over accident
  • Being ejected through your vehicle’s weakened Windshield during a high-impact collision
  • The force of an airbag shattering an already damaged Windshield, causing the airbag to deploy through the broken glass rather than towards the passenger

Windshield Repair Procedure

Getting your Windshield examined and repaired immediately after you notice a rock chip or crack is critical. Our efficient and fast Windshield repair services are committed to keeping you safe. Our Windshield repair procedure typically only takes about 20 minutes. This process typically includes:

  • Our experienced technician will inspect your rock chips and cracks to assess the severity of the damage.
  • We’ll clean the chip or crack, ensuring no debris is sealed into the area.
  • After we clean the Windshield, we will place a special resin over the chip or crack that hardens with ultraviolet light.
  • We remove the excess resin, leaving a smooth surface.

Auto Glass Solutions Service Options

We make it as easy as possible for drivers to get their rock chips and cracks repaired. We offer multiple service solutions, including:

  • Replacements while you wait – Our locations offer comfortable waiting lounges if you choose to wait while we repair or replace your windshield. The average repair takes 20 mins while a typical replacement takes 2 hours.
  • Drive-Thru Rock Chip Repairs – We offer rock chip repairs with a “no appointment necessary” policy. We’ll quickly repair your rock chip and have you back on the road in minutes.
  • Wi-Fi Customer Lounge – We offer a comfortable, welcoming environment while you wait for your vehicle in our lounge with complimentary internet access.

How Much Does a Windshield Service Cost?

We always offer an honest assessment of your Windshield repairs. We’ll help determine if you need a Windshield replacement or repair. The price of our services varies depending on the degree of damage and if you need a replacement or repair.

Why Choose Auto Glass Solutions?

Auto Glass Solutions understands that a rock chip or crack can ruin your day. We’re committed to the highest quality services to repair your Windshield and get you back on the road. For over 35 years, we’ve offered Alberta superior auto glass services. We pride ourselves on our fast and efficient auto glass services. Our team will quickly determine if you need a Windshield replacement or repair. Contact us today for an estimate.

Call Us Today For a Free Quote!